I'm finally a god damn high school alumni! Can you hear me screaming?? Graduating high school made me realize that there's so much ahead of me. I can't wait but I can wait?? I want to go off to college and experience college parties and clubbing. But, I also want to be able to live a carefree life as a child where I'm able to go out with friends everyday and just have a good time. Holy shit so much damn anxiety just thinking about it.
Floral Collared Shirt: Gap
Slack Joggers: Forever 21
Shoes: Vans
Photos by Me & Kylie Kinerney
The morning these photos were taken was a very special morning. You learn a lot about people when you spend 12+ hours with them throughout the night waiting for the sunrise to happen. (Damn my eye bags were darker than the night sky!!! LMFAO) Living in Hawaii is such a blessing (& a curse at times). These photos that were captured look like freaking paintings... Too beautiful to be true. The ONE bad thing about this morning was these tourists getting in out way while we were taking pictures like okay manners??? No?????? I'm stoked for what the rest of summer has in store for me. I hope for many more wild parties and exhilarating adventures! (I want to learn how to surf??? Although I am probably really out of shape!! HAHA) Be ready for many blog updates this summer! (If you can handle my insanity)
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