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Review: Cure Natural Aqua Gel

I first heard about cure as the "Japan's no.1 best selling skin care product" from friends, YouTube, and other blogs. It is also said that one bottle is purchased every 12 or 20 seconds. (which honestly I think is fucking impossible but whatever). I was curious about this so I had to try it out myself!!!! I found a bottle of 250ml on Amazon for about $30!

So what is cure and how does it work????

Cure Natural Aqua Gel is very gentle on your skin making it a good product for those with sensitive skin like me! LOL (fuck sensitive skin).
This product contains aloe vera which is very good for the skin! It acts as a moisturizer and also treats acne!

"Aloe vera gel contains two hormones: Auxin and Gibberellins. These two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation. Giberellin in aloe vera acts as a growth hormone stimulating the growth of new cells. It allows the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal scarring."

 Here's what the bottle looks like:
(sorry my room is messy as fuck right now LOL)

How do you use Cure????

I did a test on my hand before I used it on my face so I know if the product is shitty or not LOL
Here are some pictures:

Before Cure Natural Aqua Gel

Cure Natural Aqua Gel on my hand (It looks like spit ew)

After rubbing the gel around my hand (ew so much dead skin!!!!!!)

After rinsing the dead skin off my hand!
You can't really tell a difference from the picture but holy shit my skin felt so smooth after!!!!

I just noticed I have hella ugly hands LOL

Now for the rates and review!!!

Effectiveness: ☺/5
THIS PRODUCT IS GOD!!!! After I used it on my hand it felt like a baby's fucking butt. I couldn't stop touching my own hand LOL. You can literally see the dead skin cells come off which shows you that this product is actually taking off dead skin and it's not a fucking rip off! It's very easy on the skin and it'll take off all your dead skin without leaving any irritation or redness. (because who the fuck wants ugly lobster red skin???)

  • can see dead skin cells come off
  • makes your skin very smooth
  • no irritation/ redness
  • does not dye out skin
  • bottle can last you at least 4 months

  • a bit pricey!!! (one bottle can range from $30-$40)

  • DO NOT USE ON WET SKIN!!! Using this product on wet skin will ruin the fun and you won't be able to see all your gross skin cells coming off!
  • You don't need a large pump! I say that one pump of this can be used for one area of your face (cheek, forehead, etc.)
  • Use one pump for one area of your face! (I usually start with my left cheek, right cheek, forehead, nose, then finally chin).
  • Don't use this often!! Exfoliating is good once in a while but doing it too much can make your skin fucking irritated and you will start to break out hella!! So I recommend you only use this product once or twice a week depending on your skin!
  • Make sure to use a good moisturizer after using this product to make your skin happy and healthy!

Where can you buy this product????
This product is made in Japan so it may be difficult to find a bottle near you! Your best bet would be to purchase this online
I got mine from Amazon!!
Link here:
It is also free shipping so go take advantage!!!!


Circle Lens Review: I.Fairy Dolly Grey

I've been getting asked a lot about my favorite pair of circle lenses and if I could do a review on them. So I thought I would review them today! My favorite pair of circle lenses right now is the I.Fairy Dolly Grey.

Pictures of the lens:

Lens Info:
Diameter: 16.2mm
Water Content: 42%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year

Picture of lens in my eye:

Rates & Review:

Design: ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺/5
These lenses are three toned which gives it a natural yet "dolly" look. I really enjoy how the lens has a brown portion in the middle because it makes it look really natural. The black ring around the edge also makes the grey and brown stand out a lot.

Color: ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺/5
LOL if you guys don't know this about me, grey lenses are my FAVORITE ((besides blue)). These grey lenses are my favorite so far because the grey part of the lens isn't too transparent or too opaque. It's more a translucent color giving it a more natural look. Also, the brown part in the center is a really nice shade of brown omg i wish they had that color brown in a lens because I would 300% buy them hehe.

Enlargement: ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺/5
These lenses have a dimeter of 16.2mm which makes your pupil look HUGE LOL. I'm not even exaggerating, these lenses are really big. The good thing about these lenses is that it makes your eye big without covering the whole white part of your eye.

Comfort: ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺/5
These lenses are really comfortable but sometimes since the size is so big, it can irritate your eye after a while. I can usually wear these lenses 6-8 hours a day without my eyes getting irritated. But after 9 hours, my eyes start to get itchy and red :-(

Overall: ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺/5
LOL well these are my favorite lenses so of course I would rate them a 5/5. I wear these lenses almost everyday depending on my outfit. I always get compliments about the color of these lenses. I honestly think the color of great. I would totally recommend these lenses to anyone who is going for the natural yet "dolly" look ^^ These lenses also match any outfit because grey matches almost everything LOL.

Selcas while wearing the lens:

Thanks for reading my review and I hope you enjoyed it ^^ I promise to have more reviews, tutorials, and posts about my personal life up soon because I'm on summer break now! Have a great day☺